out with the old

Some good things happened this year – lest we forget and claim ’09 was nothing but suck.  There were good moments – fun, accomplishment, satisfaction – but 2009 will primarily be known for the mountain of suck that it rained on the world.  And in my life.

And so, I’m not sorry to see the end of this awful year.  I’m looking forward to a brighter future in 2010.  Best wishes for everyone in all their endeavors – may you receive everything you wish for.

I’m looking forward to:

  • personal success in new employment
  • actually growing my savings again
  • revisiting my lovely violin
  • cooking more
  • getting the right shoes for the right occasions
  • feeling free to be honest in personal relationships, and trimming those in which I cannot be myself

Happy New Year, y’all!

merry, merry

Life has been crazy for a while so…here’s a photo montage  to catch things up.

I went to NYC for Thanksgiving and did some things I couldn’t do here in Podunk, SC:

1) saw Precious.  and cried and cried. Precious

2) saw Hair, and was just a bit taken aback right before intermission.

3) saw Good Hair.  and laughed and laughed.

I also got to take a tour of the Financial District and get my picture taken with the Bull, and George Washington.  Then we schlepped all the way up to the West Village (!) to see the house from the Cosby Show.  It still looks the same.  🙂

I came back home to a little less crazy than I’ve been dealing with, but the same fluctuations that have become standard for work these days.

Helped do a Christmas play with the children at church and made an enemy because I insisted on referring to the Magi as wise ‘people’.  We don’t have a lot of boys at our church, and the wise people were all girls – so I referred to them as people or women instead of men.  Simple Simonette wasn’t pleased.  I’m over it, but apparently she’s not.  C’est la vie.

I was blessed to find a $50 off mystery coupon from Bloomingdales in my email, just in time to get the Wellies my sister’s been wanting, and I got to go see the 4-day-old cutie-patootie little boy that one of my friends had last week.

who doesn't love baby hands?

In the meantime, I got to go to a lil Christmas party, meet some new people, and sing some carols with a harp.  I avidly watched and rewatched all the episodes of The Sing-Off because I could listen to a capella music forever and a day.  Being a self-proclaimed harmony junkie, it was as though NBC had waltzed into my brain and said, “hmm – I think we could make a show out of this”.  (IMO – the top 3 groups were exactly as they should have been, and I think the best idea would be to put them all out on tour together.  I’d definitely go.)

Then came today – sleep has been fleeting but the day was comfortable, comforting, delicious, and delightful.  We snacked, opened gifts, watched White Christmas, and enjoyed a lovely dinner.

a handmade scarf, cute flipflops, the card case I've always wanted, and more

This  is a nice way to close out the year.  Here’s hoping 2010 is exponentially better than 09.  Merry, merry!

on origins

Amazingly, it is still seen as viable [by some] to cite the indecencies/shortcomings of leaders/movers/progenitors etc. as reasons to completely discredit their ideas or contributions to society. I know at least one anti-feminist who trumpets the eugenics ideas of Margaret Sanger as one more reason that Planned Parenthood is the devil. I’ve recently come in contact with a few who feel that Martin Luther King, Jr’s womanizing negates any of his work towards equality and civil rights.


If Thomas Edison had gone through life hitting people in the head and taking their money, does that mean I’m morally obligated not to use lightbulbs?

When can we separate the origins of a thing from what it has become?

The analogies can reach further, into the Christian attitudes towards holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, and Easter – all of which are born out of pagan rituals and commemorations. Some Christians do not observe any of the holidays because of their origins. Some choose to only celebrate with the Christian versions and do not engage in the dressing up on Halloween, the trees and gifts at Christmas, or the eggs and bunnies at Easter [read: the fun stuff]. And of course, there are those that go in for the whole kit and kaboodle, reasoning that nobody these days really believes that bunnies lay eggs, dead souls walk the earth, or worships trees and logs or whatever.

But really, what’s the deal?

How long does something good have to be around before the flawed humanity that started it can be forgiven enough to allow this good thing a wide and positive reception? It’s also worthy of note that, more often than not, those whose flaws are remembered are the ones who have already been marginalized for some other reason. Remembered flaws, then, are a further effort to keep certain groups of people in their ‘place’.

If I look at the flip side of the coin, I understand that it’d be harder for me to use the internet if, say, it’d been invented by Charles Manson. We associate all the different pieces of who people are, with what they do – which isn’t wrong. And we all have to make our own decisions based on our own moral compasses.

I like to be economically and socially responsible, so I face dilemmas like knowing that I should probably be investing in companies that don’t exploit the earth or minorities or third-world countries, that I should be driving a hybrid [or at least carpooling], etc.

There’s the old story about the preacher who railed against gambling all his life – calling the proceeds ‘the Devil’s money’. When his child wanted to go to college and fees started adding up, the lottery-funded assistance program was right on time. And the preacher said – ‘Well, the Devil’s had that money long enough.’

So, I know there’s a fine line between supporting something you don’t believe in and benefiting from the good that may come from it. The line’s a big blur to me, though. And I spend a lot of time wondering which side I’m on.